Freedom: per Merriam-Webster: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action
Additional images appear in “What “Eye” Saw Today”, thank you for visiting and viewing.

Ice Hunters - Bald Eagle couple navigate the ice waters for a mea

Moody skies accentuate the structure of interested shaped tree branches. What shapes do you see?

Adult Bald Eagle exits perch on the pine tree to hunt for a meal over the pond.

For more, see more images in “Wildlife” in Chimp Shots, Chimps in Detail & What “Eye” Saw Today…

For more, see more images in “Wildlife” in Chimp Shots, Chimps in Detail & What “Eye” Saw Today…

This reflection struck me as an interesting composition, with marshy grass at the top and the tree trunks reaching down toward the image’s bottom…

Heavy contrasted photograph of some Driftwood. Using a long 500 mm f/4 Telephoto Prime Lens on a crop sensor provided an effective focal length of 750 mm. Camera settings were, f/6.3, 1/1,250/second, and ISO 1,000, which provided some nice compression and a relatively shallow depth of field.

For more captures from this outing, checkout some additional images in What “Eye” Saw…, dated April 6, 2019

Great Egret catching some dinner with its reflection mirroring its every move.

Adult Bald Eagle zeroing in on a target after leaving its perch. Sheer focus and concentration !!!
That huge wingspan and those intimidating talons must be frightening to their prey.

Centerport Bald Eagles - After delivering a new branch to the nest for some winter renovations, Mr. V's construction project apparently overtook the serenity of the nest. Mom, gave him an earful, then decided to give him some room and exited stage right. I'm sure we can all relate...photo taken December 15, 2018.

I was fortunate to see Five Hooded Mergansers gather on a pond. Three Male and Two Female, leading to the title, “Full House”…